Sunday, May 24, 2009

Baby Steps -- The Sweater Sampler

I'm taking myself back to knitting infancy and teaching myself Continental style from the basics. I decided a good way to practice a variety of stitches, without losing my mind with boredom and ending up with an odd-looking scarf thingy at the end, is to go step by step through The Sweater Workshop by Jacqueline Fee. This workshop book takes you through a variety of techniques in sweater-making, and has you produce an awkward-looking sampler at the end of it all.

I bought the one thing I never ever buy -- cheap acrylic yarn -- and set to work. Here's my starting -off point:

Thousands of painfully slow stitches later, I'm about halfway through the sampler:

I think I might actually stop at this point -- I'm pretty sick of it. But it got me into the swing of knitting Continental. In contrast to British, I actually prefer purling when I'm knitting Continental. You do a funky little dip with your index finger that makes it feel acrobatic and exotic.

Now I'm going to take my newly-gained confidence and make a sweet little infant-sized hoodie. A small enough project that I can finish it quickly and have the satisfaction of finishing my first Continental garment!

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